Electric vehicle chargers and solar photovoltaic inverters are two types of household loads that can potentially impact the power quality of the grid. This paper presents a view of the consequences that the connection of these two nonlinear loads into a low-voltage installation can create on voltage harmonic distortion. The analysis considers the combined impact on network impedance and current harmonic distortion. First, the network impedance for phase-to-neutral connections is obtained considering the uncertainty in customer impedance. For this, a Monte Carlo simulation and the concept of transfer impedance are used. Second, based on real measurements, the current harmonic distortion of these two nonlinear loads are used to calculate the resulting voltage distortion at any bus of interest in the network. The analysis is applied to an existing low-voltage network in Sweden. Based on the study case, results show that some harmonics may increase by about 83 % as a function of the penetration of electric vehicles and photovoltaic installations.
Godkänd;2020;Nivå 0;2020-10-06 (alebob);Konferensartikel i tidskrift