In this chapter, the relationship between humans and educational places and spaces is explored, reflected and discussed, using the phenomenology of the life-world as a theoretical foundation. The discussion is based mainly on the writings of the French philosophers Gaston Bachelard and Maurice Merleau-Ponty and the Swedish philosopher and educator Jan Bengtsson, and is grounded in the intertwined and reciprocal relationships between humans in the physical world in which they exist. The building itself, the place, the space, the room is explored in terms of its physical and actual existence and also metaphorically. The relationship between the school space and the people who inhabit is highlighted and problematised. In addition, the horizon of the classroom is discussed, as well as the spaces beyond the room. On an ontological level, rooms and spaces, which are both shaped by humans and provided by nature, are discussed. Alongside this, how the space/room sometimes arouses memories and feelings that may affect the human body is explored. The discussion also takes into account how educational sites, schools, during the current era of neoliberalism have been altered to become marketplaces.
ISBN för värdpublikation: 978-0-367-20988-9, 978-0-429-26469-6