Industrialized house-building companies predefine parameters in platforms. In the strive to identify efficient information flow with automation and configuration, the design process requires a breakdown of the product structure of a building to digitally communicate between information systems. The level of predefinitions varies between industrialized house-builders according to market position, type of building processes, and maturity in business. The client decoupling point according to the predefinitions of house-building as a product is central for how and when production information is created. Bill of materials is a breakdown structure that visualize relations and the transformation between engineering, preparation, and production processes from a life cycle perspective. A case study at eight house-building companies was chosen with the aim to identify relations between the level of predefinitions and breakdown structures. House-building platforms with a high level of predefinition on layouts, components, and interfaces show a tendency to use less time in BIM-tools for engineering work and a high level of parameters in manufacturing configuration systems to prepare for production. Meanwhile, the opposite with low levels of predefinitions on components and interfaces focus on BIM-tools for engineering work with longer lead times. An interesting outcome is those with a high level of predefinitions in interfaces but lower levels on component dimensions. These companies have the ability to position their offer to a wide market with flexibility in the engineering work and need to communicate the high levels of interface parameters for the manufacturing sequence with a breakdown of the product together with architects.
ISBN för värdpublikation: 978-0-7844-8230-8