In this study, we investigate a potential structural control on sulphide distribution in phyllite from the Kiruna area, northern Norrbotten, Sweden. We use X-ray tomography and X-ray fluorescence analyzed in tandem on a 40 cm section of oriented drill core. Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive Spectrometry are used in combination with optical microscopy to analyze mineralogy and microstructures. The results show that sulphides are distributed along So bedding planes, re-distributed along S-2 axial planar cleavage planes, and trapped by F-2-hinge zones and shear bands visible as elevated sulphide concentrations. The results of this study underlines the strength of X-ray tomography to image 3D geological structures and their relation to mineral distributions.
ISBN för värdpublikation: 978-0-85261-962-9;
Forskningsfinansiär: Centre of Advanced Mining and Metallurgy (CAMM)