We examined a series of amino acid-based surfactants with two carboxylic groups separated by a spacer of one, two, or three carbon atoms with sodium and calcium counterions in the premicellar concentration region near the CMC. 1H NMR spectroscopy and NMR diffusometry techniques were used to study the local environment, association and translational dynamics of the surfactant’s molecules. We measured the self-diffusion coefficients of the micelles, calculated the effective hydrodynamic radii, and determined the temperature region in which the premicelles exist. With an increase in temperature from 295 to 335 K, the premicellar state of the surfactant is replaced by the monomeric state.
Validerad;2022;Nivå 2;2022-03-01 (joosat);
Funder: Kazan Federal University (0671-2020-0051)