Time-dependent phenomena in a reaction turbine such as rotor-stator interactions (RSI) and rotating vortex rope (RVR) contribute to pressure fluctuations, vibrations, and even failure of the machine. A small scale test rig is being developed to investigate RSI and RVR and to study RVR mitigation methods. The test rig is designed for a maximum available head and discharge of 8 meters and 0.05 m(3)/s, respectively. Provisions are made to operate the test rig in open and closed loops. The test rig is flexible to operate for the turbines of high specific speed (high head Kaplan turbine or very low head Francis) to low specific speed (high head Francis). The runner of the test rig is 200 mm in diameter at draft tube inlet. The turbine is connected with a variable speed generator to run up to 1000 rpm. This paper presents the design and arrangements of the test rig components according to the head and discharge conditions. Scale down design calculations for a model are performed using IEC 60193.