Residual current devices (RCDs) are used in low voltage installations to disconnect the circuit in case of fault when the leakagecurrent exceeds a reference magnitude. The magnitude of reference leakage current is based on the magnitude of current thathuman body can withstand without getting shocked. This reference current is defined based on the 50/60 Hz component in theleakage current. The use of power electronic converters that switch in the supraharmonics frequency range (2 to 150 kHz) andrenewable energy sources such as solar inverters, would lead to the leakage current consisting of different frequencycomponents. This paper studies the impact of quasi-dc (0-4 Hz) and supraharmonics on the tripping characteristics of differenttypes of RCDs with the aim to identify fail-to-trip and false tripping conditions.
ISBN för värdpublikation: 978-1-83953-591-8 (elektronisk)