This chapter offers a cultural and contextual overview of a series of events curated at London's Club Inegales in 2019. It offers applied definitions of public engagement, accessibility, and public musicology in the context of curating such events, with a specific focus on artist-audience interaction through pre-concert panel discussions and artist question-and-answer sessions. The chapter then outlines the nature of the events and their aims, before reflecting on their creation and reception. Beyond chronicling the processes of creating such a series, it also comments on the connections, real and latent, between contemporary music-making and musicology. Although the reach and cultural capital of musical events such as “Women's Voices” tend to be proportional to their size, all such events have the power to challenge and influence musical practice from the perspective of musicians and concertgoers alike. Musicology is an active, applied practice through which to reflect, advocate, and enact change in the music industries and in society at large.