The paper presents a summary of two case studies that were carried out by the scientific team in the Thematic Network PM Modnet. During the life of this project, the compaction of complex multilevel ferrous components was investigated. These formed a vehicle to explore methods to characterise the yield and friction properties of the powder, perform simulation of the compression stage of the forming process, complete experimental trials, and compare experimental and simulated results. Density comparisons were made with results from Archimedes, quantitative metallography, and computerised tomography and force levels were compared with recordings from the pressing trials. The results highlight differences between equipment and experimental techniques used in characterising powders. They also show that hardness, metallographic analysis, and computerised tomography may be used to measure density variations throughout the compact. The prediction of density variation was reasonably consistent when using different simulations, whereas punch force prediction showed good consistency. It was found that predicted and measured density distributions agree within 0·05 to 0·5 g cm-3 and that punch force levels may be predicted within 10 to 30%. The study effectively establishes a benchmark with which to compare and improve future simulations.
Validerad; 2002; Bibliografisk uppgift: Artikeln är skriven av en forskargrupp, PM Modnet Research Group. Se artikeln för redovisning av alla författare; 20070116 (cira)