A two-stage process that combined solid-state fermentation (SSF) and subsequent enzymic treatment was used in order to release p-coumaric (p-CA) and ferulic acid (FA) from corn cobs. Sporotrichum thermophile was grown on corn cobs under SSF conditions, and the production of cinnamoyl esterases and xylanases was studied over 7 days. The time course of enzyme production showed a maximum activity of 1483 nkat/g, 0.3 nkat/g and 0.067 nkat/g for xylanase, feruloyl esterase, and p-coumaroyl esterase, respectively. The importance of the moisture level of the growth substrate was discussed. After SSF, the fermented substrate was directly exposed to autohydrolysis and the in situ produced multienzyme system was successfully used for the partial degradation of cell wall components and the liberation of p-CA and FA. A yield of 0.85 g/kg and 0.38 g/kg FA and p-CA, respectively, of dry matter of corn cobs was obtained.