This report is about preventing pressure ulcers (bedsores). The master thesis was carried outby an Industrial Design Engineering master student at Luleå University of Technology, in thespring of 2021. Pressure ulcers are a difficult and troublesome problem that exists everywherein healthcare. They occur on people who lie or sit in the same position for a long time, wherethe weight of the body creates pressure on the surface. That contributes to reduced bloodflow in the skin and subcutaneous tissues, which leads to pressure ulcers.
Interest in the work came after getting in touch with Per Söderberg, he described the projecthe used to work on and could not let go of, after retiring. The project was about healing andpreventing pressure ulcers through a bed cradle, CUNIDORM, that Per created. Per gotstuck with his idea due to a design flaw and continued to look for someone who could seethe assignment from a new perspective. The purpose of the project was to find a solution thatprevents pressure ulcers from occurring.
To solve the problem, an iterative design process PCDIO (Planning, Conceive, Design,Implement & Operate) was used, which was performed with HCD (Human-Centered design)as the way of thinking, because the solution is intended for humans. At the beginning of theprocess, the context phase was carried out. There, the needs were determined throughinterviews and research about the current state. The greatest need identified was the need toreduce patient turnarounds and examinations. Examination is the main method of preventingpressure ulcers. The need for good materials was identified as well, due to moisture and heatbeing a cause of pressure ulcers. After the user needs were established, different methods wereused within the industrial design engineering framework to create ideas and concepts.
It resulted in three concepts, the air mattress, the foam mattress with mechanical arms andthe mattress with sensors. The concepts were evaluated on the basis of a design specificationwhere they were scored. The concept that met the criteria best with the highest score becamethe winning concept.
The result was SENSAI, the mattress that senses the patient's weight over a period of time,using sensors. It detects where the pressure is immense and how harmful it is. By detectingpressure and weight, potential pressure ulcers can be detected earlier. The product has notbeen tested using prototypes or similarly, due to the pandemic and lack of access to materials.The conclusion of this project is therefore to perform more tests and investigations.Hopefully, this will happen as continued work after the master thesis is done