Experiments were performed to investigate the potential to achieve low emissions from a diesel engine fueled by ethanol and equipped with a commercially available exhaust after-treatment device, DNO\dx\sT from STT Emtec. The DNO\dx\sT system includes exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) catalysts and a continuously regenerating diesel particulate filter (DPF). Two Euro III classified 9-liter turbocharged, after-cooled diesel engines from Scania were used for the task. One engine was fueled by ethanol and the other by Swedish diesel fuel, EC1. Engine operating conditions of a 22-mode test cycle, including the 13 modes of the European Stationary Cycle (ESC cycle), were used for the tests. The emissions of NO\dx and HC were small for the ethanol-fueled engine, 3.48 and 0.53 g/kWh, respectively, while the emission of CO was higher, 2.07 g/kWh. Estimations of emitted particle mass were calculated by using the software supplied in the Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS). The estimations showed that the ethanol engine emitted only \mA1/10 of the particle mass emitted by the diesel-fueled engine. A powerful reduction of the regulated emissions was obtained when equipping the ethanol engine with EGR, catalyst and DPF. The emissions of HC, CO and NO\dx decreased down to 0.15, 0.04 and 2.54 g/kWh, respectively, while the estimated particle mass was reduced by 67%. Actually, by using the aftertreatment system, the engine became a Euro IV engine regarding the emissions of HC, CO and NO\dx. The system worked even better with the diesel-fueled engine. The NO\dx emission was reduced by approximately 33% and the estimated particle mass by more than 99%. Calculations showed that the EGR ratio was higher for the diesel engine than for the ethanol engine. Consequently, by applying a higher EGR ratio for the ethanol engine an additional reduction of the NO\dx emissions should be obtained. The results indicate that very low NO\dx and particle emissions could be obtained for an ethanol-fueled diesel engine by using the right aftertreatment equipment. Future studies should investigate the possibility to increase the EGR ratio further. The investigations also underline the need for development of a special particulate filter for ethanol engines.
Through the Centre for Automotive Systems Technologies and Testing, Luleå University of Technology aims to first of all support automotive winter testing in Northern Sweden. This means to support the local automotive test entrepreneurs and through them their customers: the car manufacturers and their suppliers. To succeed in this task, the center relies on the university's areas of leading research and most importantly on the cooperation between those areas.
Presents a handling equipment for round bars and tubes optimized for minimum noise transmission. This prototype equipment handles the tubes and bars coming out from the processing machine. Development work is proceeding with the other parts in the handling system
The considered investigation was conducted on board a number of aircraft during regular flights. The investigation was mainly concerned with noise conditions and the vibrations to which the entire body of a cabin attendant had been subjected. The types of aircraft studied included the Douglas 8, Douglas 9, Douglas 10, and Boeing 747. The noise was recorded with the aid of tape recorders at various locations in the cabin, taking into account different phases of the flight. Four cabin attendants were carrying noise dose meters during their entire working period in order to record the amount of noise they are exposed to. The vibration levels were found to be very low. In most cases the levels are below the reference curves for 'fatigue decreased proficiency' except for measurements conducted on a DC 8 at a jump seat at the back galley.
Exponering för vibrationer anses kunna leda till olika typer av skador på människokroppen. Med de metoder som nyttjas vid losstagning av berg används gruvutrustning som under vissa förutsättningar genererar vibrationer av icke acceptabla nivåer. För att klara de nya kraven på maximala vibrationsnivåer har en satsning gjorts för att kartlägga vibrationsnivåerna i gruvmaskinerna. Kartläggningen av vibrationsnivåer inom svensk gruvindustri syftar till att skapa förståelse för sambandet mellan operatör och utrustning. Resultaten från studierna skall ge kunskap som kan användas för insatser som syftar till att minska vibrationerna samt för information till och utbildning av personalen. Studierna skall också ge underlag som senare kan användas som ett bidrag i arbetet med att reducera vibrationer i gruvmaskiner genom utveckling och förbättringar av stolar, hytter, körcykler, körsätt och enklare mätsystem för vibrationsregistrering (mätlogger). Kartläggningen skall också ge underlag på aktuella vibrationsnivåer och tillåtna exponeringstider i olika gruvmaskiner i enlighet med den nya föreskriften AFS 2005:15
The project is focused on testing and demonstration of exhaust gasmeasurements in cold climate using FTIR multigas exhaust analyser.
Vehicle test system and exhaust multi gas equipment for transient measurements in cold climate. A pilot study to demonstrate regional competence of advanced measurement technology for vehicle test companies in north of Sweden.
Projektets mål är att ta fram mer underlag för en databas för ljudisoleringen på ett antal vanligt förekommande ytterväggskonstruktioner samt olika förbättringsåtgärder av konstruktionerna. Databasen ska sedan kunna användas vid byggteknisk projektering av ytterväggar. Mätresultaten bör lämpa sig att användas som indata till exempelvis standarden EN 12354 och beräkningsprogrammet Bastian eller andra byggberäkningsprogram. Ljudisoleringen på flertal ytterväggskonstruktioner med olika förbättringsåtgärder har testats, företrädesvis "lätta" ytterväggskonstruktioner. En sandwich betongvägg har också ingått i proven. I flera av testerna uppnås stora förbättringar av ljudisoleringen.