Cationic flotation is one of the most widely accepted technologies for upgrading siliceous iron ore using polysaccharides (mainly starches) as depressing agents for iron bearing minerals while floating silica with amines. In this paper, a group of starches are investigated as depressants for haematite. These starches are wheat, corn, rice, potato and dextrin. The role of starch type on the selectivity of the separation process has been studied through zeta potential, adsorption measurements as well as flotation tests. The effects of type of starch and pH of the medium have been studied. The results indicate that the selectivity of the separation process is strongly affected by the type of starch used, where better results are obtained with corn starch or wheat starch in comparison to the other types. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy measurements indicated that the interaction between starches and haematite surface is intermolecular interaction.
The formation of thin wetting films on silica surface from aqueous solution of a) tetradecyltrimetilammonium bromide (C14TAB) and (b) surfactant mixture of the cationic C14TAB with the anionic sodium alkyl- (straight chain C12-, C14- and C16-) sulfonates, was studied using the microscopic thin wetting film method developed by Platikanov. Film lifetimes, three-phase contact (TPC) expansion rates, receding contact angles and surface tension were measured. It was found that the mixed surfactants caused lower contact angles, lower rates of the thin aqueous film rupture and longer film lifetimes, as compared to the pure C14TAB. This behavior was explained by the strong initial adsorption of interfacial complexes from the mixed surfactant system at the air/solution interface, followed by adsorption at the silica interface. The formation of the interfacial complexes at the air/solution interface was proved by means of the surface tension data. It was also shown, that the chain length compatibility between the anionic and cationic surfactants controls the strength of the interfacial complex and causes synergistic lowering in the surface tension. The film rupture mechanism was explained by the heterocoagulation mechanism between the positively charged air/solution interface and the solution/silica interface, which remained negatively charged.
The stability and interactions in thin wetting films between the silica surface and air bubble containing (a) straight chain C10 amine and (b) cationic/anionic surfactant mixture of a straight chain C10 amine with sodium C8, C10 and (straight chain) C12 sulfonates, were studied using the microscopic thin wetting film method developed by Platikanov [Platikanov D., J. Phys. Chem., 68 (1964) 3619]. Film lifetimes, three-phase contact (TPC) expansion rate, receding contact angles and surface tension were measured. The presence of the mixed cationic/anionic surfactants was found to lessen contact angles and suppresses the thin aqueous film rupture, thus inducing longer film lifetime, as compared to the pure amine system. In the case of mixed surfactants hetero-coagulation could arise through the formation of positively charged interfacial complexes. Mixed solution of cationic and anionic surfactants shows synergistic lowering in surface tension. The formation of the interfacial complex at the air/solution interface was confirmed by surface tension data. It was also shown, that the chain length compatibility between the anionic and cationic surfactants system controls the strength of the interfacial complex. The observed phenomena were discussed in terms of the electrostatic heterocoagulation theory, where the interactions can be attractive or repulsive depending on the different surface activity and charge of the respective surfactants at the two interfaces.
Using FTIR (DRIFTS and IRRAS) and XPS spectroscopy, ζ potential measurements, and Hallimond flotation tests, we confirmed that long-chain primary amines are adsorbed on silicates at pH 6-7 through the 2D-3D precipitation mechanism. The orientation and packing of dodecyl- and hexadecylammonium acetate and chloride adsorbed on albite in the different regions of the adsorption isotherm were determined. It was shown that these characteristics depend strongly on the substrate. Coadsorption of the counterion was not revealed, but the counterion was found to affect indirectly the adsorption at concentrations above the concentration of the bulk amine precipitation
A new method is suggested for determining the molecular orientation in adsorbed films with uniaxial and biaxial anisotropy from two (s- and p-polarized) IRRAS spectra of the same sample, measured at the optimal angle of incidence. The method is simple, does not use the film thickness, and is internally stable with respect to the uncertainty in the input optical parameters of the anisotropic film. The advantages and limitations of the method are discussed. To validate the method, we determined the orientation of hexadecylamine and hexadecyl alcohol adsorbed on a quartz surface. It is shown that at a concentration above the concentration of 2D precipitation but below the concentration of 3D precipitation, hydrocarbon chains in the adsorbed amine monolayer are well-packed in a monoclinic (biaxial) subcell with a tilt angle of about 30°. Chaotically arranged crystallites of the amine molecules appear at the surface at a concentration higher than the concentration of 3D precipitation. Adsorbed monolayers of the alcohol turn out to have a hexagonal structure, in which the hydrocarbon tails are "flip-flop" positioned and tilted by 25-30° from the surface normal.
Coadsorption of long-chain primary amines and alcohols on silicates (quartz and albite) at pH 6-7 was studied using Fourier transform (DRIFTS and IRRAS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The ionization state of the amino headgroups, the molecular orientation, and packing in the adsorbed mixed monolayers were determined. The results were interpreted in terms of the modified model of 2D-3D precipitation, where the elementary adsorbing species from the solution is the amine-alcohol-water association.
The mechanism of adsorption of long-chain alkylamines at pH 6-7 onto quartz was studied using FTIR and XPS spectroscopy. The spectroscopic data were correlated with ζ potential and Hallimond flotation results. For the first time it was shown that (1) amine cation in the first monolayer is H-bonded with surface silanol group and this H-bond becomes stronger after the break in the adsorption characteristics (isotherm, ζ potential, floatability); (2) at the break the origin of the adsorbed amine species changes qualitatively, and along with alkylammonium ion attached to deprotonated silanol group, molecular amine appears at the surface and, as a result, monolayer thick patches of well-oriented and densely packed adsorbed amine species form rendering the surface highly hydrophobic; and (3) at higher amine concentration, bulk precipitation of molecular amine takes place. The counterion was found to influence both these steps. A model of successive two-dimensional and three-dimensional precipitation was suggested to explain amine adsorption on a silicate surface.
Adhesion of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans to pyrite and chalcopyrite in relation to its importance in bioleaching and bioflotation has been studied. Electrokinetic studies as well as FT-IR spectra suggest that the surface chemistry of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans depends on bacterial growth conditions. Sulfur-,Pyrite- and chalcopyrite-grown Thiobacillus ferrooxidans were found to be relatively more hydrophobic. The altered surface chemistry of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was due to secretion of newer and specific proteinaceous compounds. The adsorption density corresponds to a monolayer coverage in a horizontal orientation of the cells. The xanthate flotation of pyrite in presence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is strongly depressed where as the cells have insignificant effect on chalcopyrite flotation. This study demonstrate that:(a)Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cells can be used for selective flotation of chalcopyrite from pyrite and importantly at natural pH values.(b)Sulfur-grown cells exhibits higher leaching kinetics than ferrous ion-grown cells.
Atomistic simulation techniques were used to investigate the interaction between the minerals calcite and fluorite with water and methanoic acid. The relative adsorption energies suggest that methanoic acid preferentially adsorbs onto fluorite surfaces, while adsorption of water is energetically preferred over methanoic acid on the calcite cleavage plane in agreement with experiment. The coverage and configuration of adsorbed methanoic acid on the surfaces depends largely on lattice spacing between the cations, and bridging between surface calcium atoms is highly favored. These findings have given an insight into interactions at the atomic level which indicate that modeling techniques should be capable of predicting adsorption behavior and designing collector molecules, which is of central importance to the mineral processing technique of flotation
The utility of a soil microbe, namely Bacillus polymyxa, in the removal of organic reagents such as dodecylamine, ether diamine, isopropyl xanthate and sodium oleate from aqueous solutions is demonstrated. Time-bound removal of the above organic reagents from an alkaline solution was investigated under different experimental conditions during bacterial growth and in the presence of metabolites by frequent monitoring of residual concentrations as a function of time, reagent concentration and cell density. The stages and mechanisms in the biodegradation process were monitored through UV-visible and FTIR spectroscopy. Surface chemistry of the bacterial cells as well as the biosorption tendency for various organics were also established through electrokinetic and adsorption density measurements. Both the cationic amines were found to be biosorbed followed by their degradation through bacterial metabolism. The presence of the organic reagents promoted bacterial growth through effective bacterial utilization of nitrogen and carbon from the organics. Under optimal conditions, complete degradation and bioremoval of all the organics could be achieved
Coal beneficiation by tribo-electrostatic method depends on tribo-charging attributes of coal and ash forming minerals. The tribo-electrification behaviour of pyrite mineral contacted with different materials has been investigated through charge measurements and the charge acquisition is probed through surface energy calculations from liquid contact angle data. Liquid contact angle on pyrite powder after tribo-electrification is determined by Kruss tensiometer using Washburn's equation. The sample holder in tensiometer is specially fabricated with different materials serving the purpose of tribo-electrification and contact angle measurement. The acid and base parameters of pyrite surface determined with van Oss acid-base approach using liquid contact angle data after tribo-electrification with different materials revealed the charging phenomena and electron transfer mechanism. The results showed an explicit correlation between the charge generated by pyrite powder and surface acceptor (acid)-donor (base) electronic state underlying the work functions of contacting surfaces. Thus a method for characterising the changes in surface energetic structure of solids during contact electrification in terms of surface acid-base parameters has been illustrated for the first time.
Coal continues to play a major role in the economic development of a country, especially in metallurgical industries and conventional power generation plants. For effective utilization of high ash coals, it is necessary to beneficiate them. The wet beneficiation process for coal cleaning is currently the predominant method of purification of coal in the world. However, dry beneficiation of coal has obvious advantages over wet processes. The dry processes for coal are based on the physical properties of coal and its associated mineral matters. Different types of equipment for dry beneficiation have been developed, based on the exploitation of physical properties such as density, size, shape, magnetic susceptibility, and electrical conductivity. This article presents a summary assessment of different technologies and their performance in the beneficiation process of high ash coals with particular reference to Indian thermal coals. The literature on sorting, air jigs, magnetic separation, air-dense medium fluidized bed separation, and electrostatic separation is summarized and discussed
Dry coal beneficiation has been examined by tribo-electrostatic method using Indian thermal coal sample from Ramagundam coal mines. The process of tribo-electric coal/ash cleaning is carried out with a newly built cylindrical fluidised bed tribo-charger with internal baffles, made up of copper metal. The charge transfer in coal maceral and mineral particles after repeated contact with copper plate tribo-charger is measured. Separation of particles in an electrostatic separator according to the polarity of particle charge generated during tribo-electrification is discussed with respect to gas flow rate and residence time in fluidised bed tribo-charger and the applied electric field. The coal and mineral particles charge with positive and negative polarities respectively. The magnitude of particles charge found to be relatively high illustrating greater efficiency of contact electrification in fluidised bed tribo-charger. The separation results with -300 μm size fraction of coal containing 43% ash showed that the ash content can be reduced to 18% and 33% with an yield of about 30% and 67%, respectively. These results are comparable to the maximum separation efficiency curve of washability studies on this coal sample. Since the ash percentage of coal particles collected in the bins close to positive and negative electrodes are about 70% and 20%, a better yield with low ash content can be accomplished on recycling the material.
A new laboratory fluidised bed tribo-electrostatic separator has been assembled and the beneficiation potential of thermal non-coking coal from Hingula block of Talcher coal field, India, is examined on this separator. The uniqueness of the separator originates from the efficient tribo-electrification of coal material in the cylindrical fluidised bed with internal baffle system. The collecting bins of the material underneath the copper plate electrodes are designed to function as Faraday cups such that the charge polarity and magnitude of particles in each bin can be measured directly. The liberation attributes of coal material is assessed by sink and float analysis of various size fractions. The mineral and maceral composition is determined by XRD and petrographic analysis. The separation tests were conducted at different tribo-charging and applied voltage conditions. The material collected in bins close to positive and negative electrodes show an ash content of 61% and 8% respectively, illustrating differential charge acquisition of mineral rich and coal rich particles during tribo-electrification. The charge results are in good agreement with the ash content of the coal material collected in the bins. The results showed that a clean coal of about 15% ash can be obtained from a coal containing 30% ash with about 70% yield. A better separation results can be achieved by recycling the material. The ash content in the clean coal is however limited by the liberation characteristics of the coal, which is evidenced by the SEM analysis of the particles in different bins. Thus, the tribo-electrostatic method observed to be a promising dry coal preparation technique.
Dry coal beneficiation has been examined by tribo-electrostatic method using Indian thermal coal sample from Ramagundam coal mines. The process of triboelectric coal/ash cleaning is carried out with a newly built cylindrical fluidised-bed tribocharger with internal baffles, all made up of copper metal. The charge transfer of coal maceral and mineral particles upon contacts with copper plate of tribocharger is measured. Separation of particles in an electrostatic separator according to the polarity of particle charge is discussed with respect to gas flow rate and residence time in fluidised-bed trobo-charger and the applied electric field. The coal and mineral particles charge with positive and negative polarities respectively. The magnitude of particles charge found to be relatively high illustrating greater efficiency of contact electrification in fluidised bed tribo-charger. The separation results with minus 300 μm size fraction of coal containing 43% ash showed that the ash content is reduced to 18% and 33% with an yield of about 30% and 67%, respectively. These results are comparable to the maximum separation efficiency curve of washability studies on this coal sample. Since the ash percentage of coal particles collected in the bins close to positive and negative electrodes are about 70% and 20%, a better yield with low ash content can be accomplished on recycling the material.
The tribo-electrostatic method was applied to beneficiate non-coking Indian thermal coal from Ramagundam coal mines containing nearly 45% ash content. The microscopic studies revealed that quartz and kaolinite are the dominant minerals whereas illite, goethite, siderite and pyrite are the minor inclusions in the coal. Contact electrification of ash-forming minerals and coal matter was carried out using different tribo-charger materials of Al, Cu, brass, perspex and teflon. The Cu tribo-charger was found to be optimum to acquire differential charge between ash-forming inorganics and coal matter. The temperature effect on the magnitude of contact charge acquisition was found to be significant. Tests on a laboratory in-house built tribo-electrostatic free-fall separator with minus 300 μm coal showed that the ash content was reduced from 45% to about 18%, and a clean coal product as judged by the washability studies can be obtained. The results illustrate that the non-coking coals can be beneficiated using the scientific knowledge on the response and behaviour of coal and non-coal matters to electric charges.
The electrostatic beneficiation of coal is based on different tribo-charging characteristics of ash forming minerals and coal particles. In this work the tribo-charging of quartz and coal particles contacted with various metals and polymer materials have been measured and the charge acquisition was examined through surface energy calculations from liquid contact angle data. The contacts angles, before and after tribo-charging of solids, were measured with Krüss tensiometer using Washburn's equation where the sample holders in tensiometer are specially constructed with tribo-charger materials. The polarity and amount of charge acquired by quartz and carbon powders with metal tribo-chargers were found to be in good agreement with the reported work functions of the contacting surfaces. The results for the charge with polymer materials differed from the work function values, presumably due to surface contamination. The surface energy of quartz particles calculated from the measured contact angle data showed that the tribo-charging increases the surface energy. Both polar and non-polar components computed using Fowkes and Owens-Wendt approaches showed that these components increase after tribo-electrification. However, the polar component divided into acid and base parts, as in van Oss approach, manifest decreasing acid part and increasing base part. Since quartz charged negatively during tribo-charging with metal surfaces and therefore suggests acceptance of electrons, the determined acid-base surface energy components are consistent with the charge transfer process. The results also elucidate an explicit correlation between the charge generated by powders and the surface acceptor (acid) and donor (base) electronic state and thereby the work functions. Thus a method for characterising the changes in surface energetic structure of solids during tribo-electrification in terms of acid-base parameters of electron transfer between the contacting surfaces has been described for the first time.
The effect of chemical variables on the kinetic parameters of apatite flotation from magnetite has been investigated. The two common first-order kinetic models reported in the literature, i.e., the model with rectangular distribution of floatabilities and the model with fast and slow-floating components (F-S model) have been applied in the evaluation of flotation results. The models are evaluated by fitting the flotation results from batch flotation tests. The results although indicate that both models describe the apatite flotation kinetics well in a wide range of kinetic parameters, the F-S model is found to be better in the goodness of fit to the results from every flotation test and also to describe the flotation performance adequately. The kinetic parameters of the F-S model are varied with a change in chemical variables. In particular, the rate constants ratio Kf/Ks is found to be an important parameter for achieving selectivity between apatite and magnetite, and the effect of reagents dosages on the ratio is discussed. The effect of particle size on the apatite flotation kinetics is also illustrated by analysing the froth products at each flotation time in different size classes.
The effects of major components of calcium and sulphate ions in process water on sulphide mineral flotation has been investigated through Hallimond flotation of pure sulphide minerals using tapwater and water containing sulphate and calcium ions as well as through bench scale flotation of complex sulphide ores using tapwater and process water and with tapwater in the presence of calcium and sulphate ions. Hallimond flotation indicated activation of pyrite and slight depression of galena and chalcopyrite in the presence of high concentration of major species of calcium and sulphate ions using potassium amyl xanthate as collector. Bench scale flotation indicated activation of zinc when processwater was used and flotation in tapwater containing calcium and sulphate ions presented similar but not identical results.
The influence of major components of calcium and sulfate ions in process water on xanthate collector adsorption and flotation response of pure chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite minerals was investigated by Hallimond tube flotation, zeta-potential, FTIR, and XPS spectroscopy studies, while bench scale flotation tests were also carried out using complex sulfide ores. Marginally lower recoveries of chalcopyrite and galena in process water and in the presence of calcium and sulfate ions in both deionized and process waters using potassium amyl xanthate as collector were observed in Hallimond tube flotation, whereas sphalerite floatability is a little increased in process water using isobutyl xanthate as collector. Zeta-potential results show the adsorption of calcium ions on the minerals. FTIR and XPS studies revealed the presence of surface oxidized sulfoxy species and surface calcium carbonates and/or calcium sulfate on chalcopyrite and galena in the presence of process water and water-containing calcium ions at flotation pH 10.5, and these surface species influenced xanthate adsorption. Surface-oxidized sulfoxy and carbonate species were seen on sphalerite surface in the presence of deionized water, process water, and water-containing calcium and sulfate ions at pH 11.5, but the surface species does not influence xanthate adsorption. Bench scale flotation using two different complex sulfide ores showed that chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite recoveries are higher in process water than tap water and general decrease of the minerals floatability at temperatures lower than 22°C in either tap water or process water
An approach to environmental sustainability and improved process economy, in sulphide minerals production is recycling of process water in flotation of complex sulphide ores, although the chemistry of process water may be a critical issue to flotation efficiency. The influence of major components of calcium and sulphate ions in process water on xanthate collector adsorption and flotation response using pure chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite minerals were investigated by Hallimond flotation, zeta-potential measurement, FTIR and XPS spectroscopy studies, while bench scale flotation tests were also carried out using complex sulphide ores. The impact of the species in flotation was comprehended using deionised water, tap water, process water and simulated water containing equivalent amount of calcium and sulphate species in process water. Hallimond flotation results showed a decrease of chalcopyrite and galena recovery in process water and also in the presence of calcium and sulphate ions in both deionised and process waters, whereas sphalerite does not respond to flotation. The adsorption of calcium and metal ions but not sulphate ions on the minerals is evidenced by zeta-potential data. FTIR and XPS studies revealed the presence of surface oxidized sulfoxy species and surface calcium carbonates on chalcopyrite in the presence of process water and water containing calcium ions, surface oxidized sulfoxy and carbonate species on galena in the presence of deionised water, process water and water containing calcium and sulphate ions, all at flotation pH 10.5, and these surface species influenced xanthate adsorption. The presence of surface oxidized sulfoxy and carbonate species at the sphalerite flotation pH 11.5 were seen in the presence of deionised water, process water and water containing calcium and sulphate ions, but the surface species does not influence xanthate adsorption. Bench scale flotation using two different complex sulphide ores showed that chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite recoveries are better in process water than tap water. The studies showed that the process water can be recycled in flotation with no detrimental effect on grade and recovery of sulphide minerals.
In order to predict and minimize detrimental production problems due to the recycling of process water in sulfide ore processing, the influence of major species, calcium and sulfate in process water on sphalerite flotation was investigated through Hallimond tube flotation, zeta potential, diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements using sphalerite mineral sample. Assessment of process water species in flotation was done using deionized water, process water and simulated water containing calcium and sulfate ions in experiments. Hallimond flotation shows increased sphalerite floatability in process water compared to deionized water, but no significant effect on the presence of calcium and sulfate ions in deionized water using isobutyl xanthate as a collector. The presence of calcium ions reduced the sphalerite's negative zeta potential, while at higher concentrations, a charge reversal occurred, at about pH 11. FTIR and XPS studies revealed the presence of surface-oxidized sulfoxy and carbonate species on sphalerite at pH 11.5 in deionized water, process water and water containing calcium and sulfate ions. These surface species do not influence xanthate adsorption.
The effects of major components of calcium and sulphate species present in recycled process water on galena flotation has been investigated through Hallimond flotation, zeta-potential, diffuse reflectance FTIR spectroscopy and XPS measurements using pure galena mineral. The significance of process water species in flotation has been understood using deionised water, process water and simulated tap water containing equivalent calcium and sulphate ions concentration as in process water.Hallimond flotation indicated marginally lower recoveries of galena in the presence of calcium and sulphate ions using potassium amyl xanthate as collector. Zeta-potential shows the adsorption of calcium ions whereby the potential are seen to increase while sulphate ions have no significant effect. FTIR and XPS studies revealed surface calcium carbonate and/or calcium sulphate species in process water which affected xanthate adsorption. Presence of surface oxidised species such as sulfoxy, hydroxyl species on galena at pH 10.5 in deionised and process water was also revealed.
The effects of major components of calcium and sulphate species present in recycled process water on galena flotation has been investigated through Hallimond flotation, zeta-potential, diffuse reflectance FTIR spectroscopy and XPS measurements using pure galena mineral as well as bench scale flotation tests using complex sulphide ore. The significance of process water species in flotation has been assessed using deionised water, process water and simulated water containing calcium and sulphate ions in experiments. In addition, the effect of temperature in bench scale flotation tests has also been examined.Hallimond flotation indicated lower recoveries of galena in the presence of calcium and sulphate ions using potassium amyl xanthate as collector. Calcium ions increase zeta-potential of galena while sulphate ions have no effect. FTIR and XPS studies revealed the presence of surface oxidised sulfoxy, hydroxyl and carbonate species on galena at pH 10.5 in deionised and process water, which surface species affected xanthate adsorption. Bench scale flotation using two different complex sulphide ores showed that galena recovery is better in process water than tap water at room temperature. Flotation results also indicated decrease of galenarecovery at temperatures lower than 22oC in either tap water or process water.
Hydrogen peroxide production was measured during the grinding of a complex sulfide ore, and its oxidizing effect on solid surfaces was investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) with diffuse reflectance attachment measurement. In turn, an attempt was made to correlate the formation of hydrogen peroxide, surface oxidation and sphalerite flotation. Additionally, in order to predict and minimize detrimental production problems due to the recycling of process water in sulfide ore processing, the effects of major components of calcium and sulfate species present in recycled process water and the effect of temperature on sphalerite flotation were investigated through bench-scale flotation tests using complex sulfide ores. The significance of process water species in flotation was studied using tap water, process water and simulated water containing calcium and sulfate ions. Formation of hydrogen peroxide was revealed during the grinding of the complex sulfide ore, and its formation was counteracted by diethylenetriamine (DETA). The FTIR spectrum of the pulp solid fraction showed varying degrees of oxidized surface species, which are related to the concentration of H2O2 analyzed in pulp liquid. Bench-scale flotation using two different complex sulfide ores showed that sphalerite recovery is better in process water than in tap water. Flotation results also indicated a varied recovery of sphalerite at different temperatures in either tap water or process water.
Formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), an oxidizing agent stronger than oxygen, by sulphide minerals during grinding was examined. It was found that pyrite (FeS2), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), sphalerite ((Zn, Fe) S), and galena (PbS) generated H2O2 in pulp liquid during wet grinding and also when the freshly ground solids are placed in water immediately after dry grinding. Pyrite produced more H2O2 than other minerals and the order of H2O2 production by the minerals was found to be pyrite > chalcopyrite > sphalerite > galena. The pH of the water influenced the extent of hydrogen peroxide formation with greater amounts of H2O2 produced at highly acidic pH. Furthermore, the effect of mixed sulphide minerals, i.e., pyrite–chalcopyrite, pyrite–galena, chalcopyrite–galena and sphalerite–pyrite, sphalerite–chalcopyrite and sphalerite-galena on the formation of H2O2 showed increasing H2O2 formation with increasing pyrite fraction. There is clear correlation of the amount of H2O2 production with the rest potential of the sulphide minerals; the greater the rest potential of a mineral the greater the formation of H2O2. This study highlights the necessity of revisiting the electrochemical and/or galvanic interactions between sulphide minerals, and interaction mechanisms between pyrite and other sulphide minerals in terms of their flotation behaviour in the context of inevitable H2O2 existence in the pulp liquid
The participation of H2O2 in oxidation of the galena mineral and as a result in decreasing of the concentrate recovery of galena mineral has not yet been shown. In this study the effect of two types of grinding media in wet and dry grinding on the formation of hydrogen peroxide and galena flotation was investigated. Laboratory stainless steel ball mill (Model 2VS, CAPCO Test Equipment, Suffolk, UK) was used for grinding galena with mild steel and stainless steel media. Galena ground with mild steel generated more hydrogen peroxide than galena ground with stainless steel media. Galena ground with mild steel has a lower galena recovery than galena ground with stainless steel media. Solutions of 2, 9-dimethyl-1, 10-phenanthroline (DMP) were used for estimating H2O2 amount in pulp liquid with DU® Series 700 UV/Vis Scanning Spectrophotometer. This study highlights the necessity of relooking into galvanic interaction mechanisms between the grinding medium and galena in terms of its flotation behavior.
Formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), an oxidizing agent stronger than oxygen, by chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), which is a copper iron sulfide mineral, during grinding, was investigated. It was observed that chalcopyrite generated H2O2 in pulp liquid during wet grinding and also the solids when placed in water immediately after dry grinding. The generation of H2O2 in either wet or dry grinding was thought to be due to a reaction between chalcopyrite and water where the mineral surface is catalytically active in producing •OH free radicals by breaking down the water molecule. Effect of pH in grinding medium or water pH in which solids are added immediately after dry grinding showed lower the pH value more was the H2O2 generation. When chalcopyrite and pyrite are mixed in different proportions, the formation of H2O2 was seen to increase with increasing pyrite fraction in the mixed composition. The results of H2O2 formation in pulp liquid of chalcopyrite and together with pyrite at different experimental conditions have been explained by Eh-pH diagrams of these minerals. This study highlights the necessity of revisiting the electrochemical and/or galvanic interaction mechanisms between the chalcopyrite and pyrite in terms of their flotation behaviour.
Formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), an oxidizing agent stronger than oxygen, by chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), which is a copper iron sulfide mineral, during grinding, was investigated. It was observed that chalcopyrite and pyrite generated H2O2 in pulp liquid during wet grinding and also the solids when placed in water immediately after dry grinding. The generation of H2O2 in either wet or dry grinding was thought to be due to a reaction between chalcopyrite and water where the mineral surface is catalytically active in producing •OH free radicals by breaking down the water molecule. When chalcopyrite and pyrite are mixed in different proportions, the formation of H2O2 was seen to increase with increasing pyrite fraction in the mixed composition. The results of H2O2 formation in pulp liquid of chalcopyrite and together with pyrite at different experimental conditions have been explained by Eh-pH diagrams of these minerals. This study highlights the necessity of revisiting the electrochemical and/or galvanic interaction mechanisms between the chalcopyrite and pyrite.
Formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), an oxidizing agent stronger than oxygen, during the grinding of galena (PbS) was examined. It was observed that galena generated H2O2 in pulp liquid during wet grinding and also when the freshly ground solids were placed in water immediately after dry grinding. The generation of H2O2 during either wet or dry grinding was thought to be due to a reaction between galena and water, when the mineral surface is catalytically active, to produce OH• free radicals by breaking down the water molecule. It was also shown that galena could generate H2O2 in the presence or absence of dissolved oxygen in water. The concentration of H2O2 formed increased with decreasing pH. The effects of using mixtures of pyrite or chalcopyrite with galena were also investigated. In pyrite-galena mixture, the formation of H2O2 increased with an increase in the proportion of pyrite. This was also the case with an increase in the fraction of chalcopyrite in chalcopyrite-galena mixtures. The oxidation or dissolution of one specific mineral rather than the other in a mixture can be explained better by considering the extent of H2O2 formation rather than galvanic interactions. It appears that H2O2 plays a greater role in the oxidation of sulphides or in aiding the extensively reported galvanic interactions. This study highlights the necessity of further study of electrochemical and/or galvanic interaction mechanisms between pyrite and galena or chalcopyrite and galena in terms of their flotation behaviour.
Formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), an oxidizing agent stronger than oxygen, by sphalerite ((Zn, Fe) S) was examined during its grinding process. It was observed that sphalerite generated H2O2 in pulp liquid during wet grinding and also when the freshly ground solids placed in water immediately after dry grinding. The generation of H2O2 in either wet or dry grinding was thought to be due to a reaction between sphalerite and water where the mineral surface is catalytically active to produce OH• free radicals by breaking down the water molecule. Effect of pH on the formation of H2O2 by sphalerite was shown that the acidic pH generated more H2O2. Mixtures of pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena with sphalerite on the formation of H2O2 were also probed. It was shown that the concentration of H2O2 increases with increasing pyrite or chalcopyrite fraction in pyrite–sphalerite, chalcopyrite–sphalerite mixtures but with an increase in galena proportion, the concentration of H2O2 decreased in galena–sphalerite mixture. The oxidation or dissolution of one mineral than the other in a mixture can be explained better with the extent of H2O2 formation in the pulp liquid than galvanic interactions. It is clear of the greater role of H2O2 in the oxidation of sulphides or aiding the extensively reported galvanic interactions since the amount of H2O2 generated with a specific mineral followed the rest potential series. This study highlights the necessity of further investigations into the role of H2O2 in electrochemical and/or galvanic interaction mechanisms between pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena with sphalerite.
Formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), an oxidizing agent stronger than oxygen, by sulphide minerals during grinding was investigated. It was found that pyrite (FeS2), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), sphalerite ((Zn,Fe)S), and galena (PbS), which are the most abundant sulphide minerals on Earth, generated H2O2 in pulp liquid during wet grinding in the presence of dissolved oxygen in water and also when the solids are placed in water immediately after dry grinding. Pyrite generated more H2O2 than other minerals and the order of H2O2 production by the minerals found to be pyrite > chalcopyrite > sphalerite > galena. The pH of water influenced the extent of hydrogen peroxide formation where higher amounts of H2O2 are produced at highly acidic pH. Furthermore, the effect of mixed sulphide minerals, i.e., pyrite–chalcopyrite, pyrite–galena, chalcopyrite–galena and sphalerite–pyrite, sphalerite–chalcopyrite and sphalerite–galena on the formation of H2O2 showed increasing H2O2 formation with increasing pyrite fraction in chalcopyrite–pyrite, galena–pyrite and sphalerite–pyrite compositions. The results also corroborate the amount of H2O2 production with the rest potential of the sulphide minerals; higher the rest potential of a sulphide mineral, formation of H2O2 is more. Most likely H2O2 is responsible for the oxidation of sulphide minerals and dissolution of non-ferrous metal sulphides in the presence of ferrous sulphide in addition to galvanic interactions. This study highlights the necessity of revisiting the electrochemical and/or galvanic interactions between pyrite and other sulphide minerals in terms of their flotation and leaching behaviour in the context of inevitable H2O2 existence in the pulp liquid.
The formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), an oxidizing agent stronger than oxygen, by sulphide minerals during grinding was investigated. It was found that pyrite (FeS2), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), sphalerite (ZnS), and galena (PbS), which are the most abundant sulphide minerals on Earth, generated H2O2 in pulp liquid during wet grinding in the presence and absence of dissolved oxygen in water and also when the freshly ground solids were placed in water immediately after dry grinding. Pyrite generated more H2O2 than the other sulphide minerals and the order of H2O2 production by the minerals was found to be pyrite > chalcopyrite >sphalerite> galena. The pH of water influenced the extent of hydrogen peroxide formation where higher amounts of H2O2 were produced at highly acidic pH. The amount of H2O2 formed also increased with increasing sulphide mineral loading and grinding time due to increased surface area and its interaction with water.The sulphide surfaces are highly catalytically active due to surface defect sites and unsaturation because of broken bonds and capable of breaking down the water molecule leading to hydroxyl free radicals. The type of grinding medium on formation of hydrogen peroxide by pyrite revealed that the mild steel produced more H2O2 than stainless steel grinding medium, where Fe2+ and/or Fe3+ ions played a key role in producing higher amounts of H2O2.Furthermore, the effect of mixed sulphide minerals, i.e., pyrite–chalcopyrite, pyrite–galena, chalcopyrite–galena and sphalerite–pyrite, sphalerite–chalcopyrite and sphalerite–galena on the formation of H2O2 showed increasing H2O2 formation with increasing pyrite fraction in chalcopyrite–pyrite composition. In pyrite–sphalerite, chalcopyrite–sphalerite or galena– sphalerite mixed compositions, with the increase in pyrite or chalcopyrite proportion, the concentration of H2O2 increased but with increase in galena proportion, the concentration of H2O2 decreased. By increasing the pyrite proportion in pyrite–galena mixture, the concentration of H2O2 increased. Similarly, in the mixture of chalcopyrite–galena, the concentration of H2O2 increased with increasing chalcopyrite fraction. The results of H2O2formation in pulp liquid of individual sulphide minerals and in combination at different experimental conditions have been explained by Eh–pH diagrams of these minerals and the existence of free metal ions that are equally responsible for H2O2 formation besides the catalytic activity of surfaces. The results of the amount of H2O2 production also corroborate with the rest potential of the sulphide minerals; higher the rest potential more is the formation of H2O2. Most likely H2O2 is responsible for the oxidation of sulphide minerals and dissolution of non-ferrous metal sulphides in the presence of ferrous sulphide besides the galvanic interactions.This study highlights the necessity of revisiting the electrochemical and/or galvanic interactions between the grinding medium and sulphide minerals, and interaction mechanisms between pyrite and other sulphide minerals in terms of their flotation behaviour in the context of the inevitable existence of H2O2 in the pulp liquid.
Formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), an oxidizing agent stronger than oxygen, by pyrite (FeS2), the most abundant metal sulphide on Earth, during grinding was investigated. It was found that pyrite generated H2O2 in pulp liquid during wet grinding and also the solids when placed in water immediately after dry grinding. Type of grinding medium on formation of hydrogen peroxide revealed that the mild steel produced more H2O2 than stainless steel grinding medium, where Fe2+ and/or Fe3+ ions played a key role in producing higher amounts of H2O2. The effect of grinding atmosphere of air and N2 gas showed that nitrogen environment free from oxygen generated more H2O2 than air atmosphere suggesting that the oxygen in hydrogen peroxide is derived from water molecules. In addition, the solids after dry grinding producing more H2O2 than wet grinding indicate the role of pyrite surface or its catalytic activity in producing H2O2 from water. This study highlights the necessity of relooking into the electrochemical and/or galvanic interaction mechanisms between the grinding medium and pyrite in terms of its flotation behaviour.