Everyday life is something we take for granted, something that just is there but we rarely notice. The study of everyday life sociology is the study of our everyday life in the micro-sociological level, things happen around us that we rarely think about because it is so integrated into our daily lives. I chose to study the phenomenon of coffee drinking, Sweden was ranked second in the list of most coffee-consuming country in the world in 2011 (Kaffeinformation.se). The purpose of this essay was to study and describe when, where, how and why people drink coffee today, and examine what experiences people have of drinking coffee at social gatherings. My research questions were: In what social contexts do people drink coffee today? What experiences do people have of coffee drinking in social settings today and how important is the coffee for our everyday life and its different contexts? The coffee was very exclusive at first, it was even a pharmacy for some time, and therefore the coffee drink belonged to the upper class in the beginning. Today everybody drinks coffee and it is not a class issue. At the time when coffee was a luxury, people drank it less often, maybe after a fancy dinner, today however we drink it several times a day and at any time during the day. I recognize coffee as one of our most common everyday beverages and it interested me to study why it is so popular. In my results I found that coffee was not just an ordinary beverage with a common taste, for coffee drinkers the coffee seems to involve a variety of experiences. The coffee is a social drink and a way for people to feel fellowship but also a reason for a pause, a commercial symbol and it has become a norm in our culture.