This report has been prepared for the project Green energy investments, which has been funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the County Council of Norrbotten, the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten, and the Swedish Energy Agency. The project has been managed by North Sweden Energy Agency in collaboration with Luleå University of Technology (Energy Technology, Economics, and Entrepreneurship and Innovation) and Företagarna Norrbotten.
The objectives of the report are to: (a) increase knowledge about the potential regional and benefits of a green energy transition and the obstacles to such a transition; and (b) identify and discuss various strategies, policy instruments and business models that can contribute to the realization of new green energy solutions. This is achieved by consulting and synthesizing relevant experiences from earlier energy transition processes, as well as by discussing the prerequisites for such a transition in the county of Norrbotten specifically.
The report contains three main parts. The first part is generic and based on experiences and lessons from other regions and countries. Here we first discuss obstacles to green energy projects, with a focus on financing opportunities, conditions for the development of new technology and obstacles in the form of social constructions such as stereotypical conceptions about gender, ethnicity etc. In a case study of the obstacles to increased use of excess heat we highlight a number of factors that are important to address in several types of energy projects involving actor collaborations. The first part of the report also contains a discussion of how green energy projects can promote regional economic development, and pin-points factors that determine the magnitude of these effects. A key lesson is that these positive effects do not always occur automatically; various measures and strategies may often be needed. For this reason we also discuss a number of such strategies, e.g., regional funds, local ownership, crowdfunding, as well as strategies that aim at explicitly strengthening the actor networks that need to be established around the new energy projects.
The second part of the report focuses on Norrbotten, and discusses the prerequisites for a green energy transition with significant economic development can be achieved in the county. These prerequisites are described with reference to the existing strategies that are there to promote regional economic growth; a common denominator for these is that they all point to the possibilities to combined regional growth objectives and a sustainable energy transition. We also discuss the regional prospects for inclusive, not least gender equal, innovation in the county of Norrbotten.
In the third and final part of the report the most significant lessons are summarized. Here we clarify the relevance of earlier experiences for the regional context, and we discuss, based on interviews with project owners, the experiences concerning obstacles and strategies from seven different energy projects that form part of the project Green energy investments. In a final chapter we highlight a number of important lessons and recommendations for future efforts aimed at promoting the energy transition processes in Norrbotten.