The leisure sector, for example sports and games, has witnessed a tremendous expansion between 1960 and the present. During the last ten years the private sector led by companies, economic associations, foundations and many businesses have expanded their involvement in the leisure sector. Whereas before the state controlled all parts of the leisure value chain it is now possible to distinguish between those who produce, arrange and finance leisure services. This observation provides us with the ability to analyse how different approaches to leisure services are applied to the welfare of its citizens and how good they are distributed to those requiring the services.The main purpose of this thesis is to describe, and analyse decisions and goals of Swedish government policy with respect to people's leisure and free time during the period from 1962 to 2005. In addition, this paper highlights government organisation of leisure activities and the organisations that have been created to achieve government goals in the area of public policy.Three principle questions were addressed:- What are the goals, values and intentions of the government as highlighted in official documents?- What models and ideals of governance are used by the government?- What issues, actors, demographic aspects, forms of organizations and institutions are highlighted in official documents?This thesis is intended to increase knowledge of the Swedish government's goals and objectives in the leisure field and provide decision makers with background information that will contribute to public policy in the field of leisure. It will also highlight for both government civil servants and those in the private sector of leisure services, the large number of problems created by the use of the current system.The empirical analysis in these documents covers Propositions, Governmental investigations (SOU) and one Governmental written paper (Ds). The material represents the broad leisure sector from 1962 until 2004/05. The fields are sports, culture, exercise, tourism and also recreation and healthcare. Leisure commission investigation, SOU (1962), Sports to everyone, SOU (1969:29), Governmental culture politics, Proposition (1974:28), Leisure in change, SOU (1996:3), Culture politics, Proposition (1996/97:3), Sports and exercise for your life, SOU (1998:76), Sport politics for year 2000, Proposition (1998:99:107), Governmental support for outdoor life, Written paper, Ds (1999:78), Goals for peoples health, Proposition (2002/03:35) and at last Long range planning for a competitive Swedish tourism industry Proposition (2004/05:56).The method used in the paper is a textual analysis with a focus on the structure and formulations of the texts. The tools used are idea-, contents-, and argumentation analysis. I have considered the intended audience and the context of the texts. Different quotations in the texts were analysed in order to identify values, attitudes and the intentions of the different authors. ....