This second paper will present what happened with IT-delivery after centralization during an economically difficult period in the university’s history. It will tell how the late introduced ITgovernment (The Demanding Board of IT) worked and made a change in both the internal discussion climate and how the attitudes changed from blaming to collaboration. It will present some of the good statements taken. The paper will then shortly discuss the conflict between a fully paid quality dependent service delivery and the public service’s way of looking at costs, payments and management. It will present some updated SLAs (Service Level Agreements). But also how we removed all internal invoices by replacing them with a direct transfer system, reducing internal handling costs from 40 to near 0 Euro per invoice and how we solved the invoice information. Of course it will resume some of our new mistakes. In the end this paper will question if a detailed IT-price list leads to sub optimization. The paper is a free standing follow-up from a paper published as a poster at Eunis Conference 2006 in Grenoble with the title “From technical specification to service delivery”. That described how we reduced IT-costs with 15% (goal 23%), introduced ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), described many standard services in SLDs (a sort of Service Level Agreements) and introduced rented computers in order to standardize the computer environment. It also told how we handled fines and penalties and what mistakes we made during that revolutionary period.Some Headlines: Who we are; IT as a service; The Demanding Board of IT; The conflict; Invoicing removal; Web affirmation