IT-support at the Lulea University of Technology, Sweden, 14000 students, consisted up to the beginning of 2006 mainly of technical support. The support was described in terms of technology like computer model, amount of CPU, size of core memory, backup descriptions in terms of online storage, frequency time between backups etc. The quality of service was orally said to be ”as soon as possible” which implied that an incident would be “looked upon the next day and the ambition was to fix it in a week”. The security problems were immense – e.g. some webservers were restarted once a day due to hacking. To that the IT-service 2005 got a drop in funding with 23 % and an order to maintain service level. Although the IT-service cut out almost everything from support contracts to education of staff it was almost on its knees. The familiar place where most people had their own rooms had to be replaced with an office landscape. The formal organisation was changed. The informal structure was beaten and the mood was low. With that in background we also had to implement the new IT-strategy vision. The challenge was now to implement a system and even more important – the attitude - that delivers ”service not technology”. We are still on the route to do so. Slowly are we changing the thinking from ”we need more people” to ”how can we deliver in another way”. But still the arguments often heard are ”IT-service must forbid the users to use that specific application” or “they should only be allowed to use one type of application and one single version” etc. How we attacked these issues with SLA’s, agreements, negotiations, introducing “computer power”, guaranties, consolidation, change of billing system, and how we at the same time found the lack of internal communication to be one of the main problems in this development – this and some errors will shortly be described by the officer for customer relations. For in the end - we did deliver - although we didn’t cut 23 %– we cut 15% - and we did implement the alfa version of our Service Level Agreements.